Friday 1 October 2010

Photography Book Work!


The process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or an electronic sensor. light patterns are reflected from objects.

Genres of photography

Ariel                Fashion           High Speed       Fine Art      Illustration       Forensic          Wedding         Paparazzi
Still Life            Landscape      Glamour           Photo Journalism   Nature              Portrait        Documentary    Commercial      Stock             Underwater    Black and White                     


A device that records images, still photographs or moving images.
Camera obscure is Latin for 'dark chamber'.


A shutter is a device that allows light to pass through for a determined period of time, to expose photographic film.

This was research on the different types of photography genres,
 that I found in magazines.

Shutter Speeds

1/1000 1/5000 1/250      1/125 1/150     1/30 1/15 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8
    FREEZE ACTION          HAND HOLD             MOVEMENT BLURRY          


An aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels. It can be measured in increments called F-stops. The bigger the aperture, the more information it can take in.


Camera brings the focus to the film or detector. 

Exposure Control

The size of the aperture and the brightness of the scene controls the amount of light that enters the camera during a period of time. the shutter controls the length of time that light hits recording surface. 

Pinhole Photography

What you will need:
  • A light proof container - a tin, cardboard, box ect. 
  • some black card / black paint
  • tin foil
  • pin
  • tape
  • cardboard

Health and Safety

Darkroom rules
  • no eating or drinking
  • no running or fooling around
  • no coats or bags on the floor
  • dry hands before using electrics
  • use tongs to handle paper
  • don't mix the wet and dry side of the dark room

Studio rules
  • no eating or drinking
  • no running or fooling around
  • no coats or bags on the floor
  • beware of cables on the floor
  • the flash heads can get hot - handle them with care.
  • don't look directly into the flash heads.
  • be careful when using the paper background system.
  • handle all equipment with care.


News Feeds           Design              Blog                        Forum             

Advertising     Search Engine     Marketing           Analytic              
-pop-ups        -   - counter at bottem      -         - pop-ups        

  • search bar
  • video
  • colours
  • pictures
  • tabs
  • links
  • bold fonts
  • content and info


Blogging is important as it shows the work you have learnt and achieved. it is a good process to do as our lecturers can easily access our work and observe our progress. also employers can access the blog and see our skills and abilities. 

(use hosting website to link on blogger for audio)

Notes on Evaluations

Evaluations- what you have learnt and how it will or has affected the way you will do things next time. beginning, middle and end. 
analyse your blog. 
detail what you found interesting/difficult and how it has affected your work. 


Basic Intro- Outlines what you will say.
Point One- What you have learnt and why you think it was valuable to know this?
Point Two- Would you do it again? think about what this information has helped you with.
Point Three- What can you now reflect upon as you have done this once? would you do it again? what would you do differently and why? -use examples to back up your argument on the blog.


This picture was taken in New York,
Central Park.

James C. Romeo is a fine art photographer. Born in 1934,New York.
He uses technmiques from the 19th and 20th century when capturing his photos.
He once did maritime photography around the world, which proved popular when featured in maritime books, Newspapers and even The New York Times paper.

    This picture of 'The glass house' was taken 
    from a match box pinhole camera. 

  • Bethany de Forest born in 1966, Utrecht.

  • She decided on doing pinhole photography when relising she could make her small 'imaginary world' settings look realistic and interesting through the pinhole camera rather than an normal camera. 
This picture is also a Bethany de photograph
 and was taken in France.

    This picture was taken from an oatmeal box pinhole camera 
    and is called 'Pupil of the Eye'. The photographer of the picture is Stewart L. Woodruff.

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