Friday 1 October 2010

Evaluation on Pinhole Camera Project.

In this evaluation, I will be outlining and explaining my thoughts about the pinhole camera project I completed. I will be revisiting areas of the project and saying what I enjoyed and found difficult.

Over the project, I have learnt a variety of things including; the workings of the pinhole cameras and how no light can get into the camera until its time to begin exposing. This was valuable to know as without this knowledge, the images would be of poor quality or worse, nothing could appear when developed.

I also learnt the important of F-stops and if over or under exposed, the images could be too light or dark. However, I found part of this process difficult as times as after leaving the pinhole camera to expose for the right amount of time, the image was still slightly lighter than expected. I overcame this by adding an extra minute onto exposing time, which proved to work as the image was of much more quality.

Lastly, I learnt how to develop the images which I enjoyed doing as you got to see how your final photograph turned out.

I would defiantly revisit this project as I now have more knowledge about using the pinhole cameras and have more experience. this project has helped me learn about the importance of photography and how it originally began.

In conclusion, this project has taught me the very basics of photography and how to make and develop pinhole camera photography. i would do the pinhole camera project again , yet make some changes to improve it. For exam0ple, I would use a thicker box for the camera, as mine was a thin cardboard box and let some light in. this then affected the photographs. Also i would try to take my photographs in less quiet places ideally with still objects so nothing could interrupted the exposing process. Overall, it was an interesting and enjoyable project.

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